About us

About us

Despite their different backgrounds and work, they were united by their love for Egypt, their loyalty to it, and their charitable work in it. They decided to establish this association. 
The founders
  • The late Counselor Mahmoud Abu El-Leil (former Minister of Justice) 
  • Counselor Fathy Naguib (former President of the Supreme Constitutional Court) 
  • Ambassador Ahmed Kadry 
  • Prof. Dr. Nashwa El-Hajri 
  • His Eminence Sheikh Khaled El-Gendy
  •  The great artist Laila Taher 
  • The late Dr. Mamdouh El-Beltagy (former Minister of Tourism)
  •  The honorable Professor Sayed El-Tunsi 
  • The late Counselor Yehia El-Gamal (former Prime Minister) 
  • Mrs. Samia Abu El-Fotouh
  •  The writer Iqbal Baraka

One goal team

Each member of our Board of Directors is a thought leader who has made significant contributions to our community. Each brings a unique set of skills and experience to our practice.

Prof. Dr. Nashwa Al-Hijrisy

Chairman of the Board of Directors 
Professor of Cardiology at Misr University for Science and Technology (currently) Head of the Intensive Care Department at the National Heart Institute (formerly) Head of the Cardiology Department at the Faculty of Medicine, 6th of October University (formerly) Consultant of Cardiology and Intensive Care at Al Salam International Hospital (formerly)

Dr. Amal Idris

Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors 
Consultant of Pediatrics and Neonatology Member of the Egyptian Academy of Pediatrics Member of the Egyptian Scientific Society of Pediatrics and Neonatology

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Fathy Tammara

Secretary General
Consultant Cardiologist, Vascular and Catheterization, Head of Cardiology Department, Misr University for Science and Technology

Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Tantawi

Treasurer Consultant 
Cardiovascular and Therapeutic Catheterization Lecturer of Cardiovascular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Misr University

Prof. Dr. Hazem Abdel Mohsen Khamis

Board Member (Former Chairman) 
Cardiovascular Consultant
General Director of Wadi El Nile Hospital (Former)

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Al-Fiqi

Member of the Board of Directors
 Secretary General of the Advisory Council for Foreign Policy, Secretary of the Institute for Diplomatic Studies, Ambassador of Egypt to the Republic of Austria

Prof. Dr. Amal Al-Sisi

Board Member
 Professor of Pediatrics, Cairo University (Abu El-Rish Hospital)

Prof. Dr. Hassan El-Sisi

Board Member 
Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Prof. Dr. Ghada Qazamel

Board Member,
 Consultant Cardiovascular and Interventional Catheterization at the Heart Institute

Mrs. Rawya Tamam

Board Member
Business Woman

Mission and vision of the association

The Association's Vision:
 We seek an Egyptian society in which every heart patient enjoys comprehensive healthcare and the opportunity to live a healthy and safe life regardless of their financial capabilities. We aspire to be a leading model in providing healthcare services and psychological and social support to incapable heart patients, while raising awareness of the importance of prevention and early treatment of heart diseases. 

The Association's Mission: 
The Egyptian Hearts Association for the Care of Incapable Heart Patients is committed to providing comprehensive and integrated healthcare to incapable heart patients by providing medical and surgical treatment and psychological and social support. We work to raise awareness of heart diseases in Egyptian society and promote a culture of prevention. Support scientific research and medical development. We seek to achieve these goals by building strong partnerships and effective cooperation with governmental and private entities and civil society.

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