How to support us
You can support us in one of the following ways:
1- Register with us to donate monthly to the association, and our representative will come to you to collect.
2- Donate money to one of the following association accounts:
National Bank of Egypt All branches
Account number 0 3 1 5 7 9 6 9
Faisal Islamic Bank Giza Branch - Galaa Square
Account number 10795
Suez Canal Bank (Dokki Branch - Islamic Transactions)
122 Tahrir Street - Dokki
Account number 11300935
Al Baraka Bank Mohi El Din Abu El Ezz Branch
Account number 83658
Donate via InstaPay National Bank of Egypt 1673070315796900012
3- Donate via Vodafone Cash on
4- Donate time, as the association needs volunteers’ efforts in various fields
5- Spread the word about the association! We are in constant need of donations of effort and money